管理番号 |
新品 :EIMQ12373983178 中古 :EIMQ123739831781 |
発売日 | 2025/03/02 18:56 | 定価 | 14,850円 | 型番 | Z6166938313 | ||
メーカー | ★中古 | ||||||||
カテゴリ |
。その場合は簡易梱包でのお渡しとなります。(一部マスキングしてあります)ciscoasa# show verCisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.8(3)16Firepower Extensible Operating System Version 2.2(2.107)Device Manager Version 7.9(2)152Compiled on Mon 05-Nov-18 20:51 PST by buildersSystem image file is "disk0:/asa983-16-smp-k8.bin"Config file at boot was "startup-config"ciscoasa up 32 secsHardware: ASA5555, 16384 MB RAM, CPU Lynnfield 2792 MHz, 1 CPU (8 cores) ASA: 8539 MB RAM, 1 CPU (2 cores)Internal ATA Compact Flash, 8192MBBIOS Flash MX25L6445E @ 0xffbb0000, 8192KBEncryption hardware device : Cisco ASA Crypto on-board accelerator (revision 0x1) Boot microcode : CNPx-MC-BOOT-2.00 SSL/IKE microcode : CNPx-MC-SSL-SB-PLUS-0005 IPSec microcode : CNPx-MC-IPSEC-MAIN-0026 Number of accelerators: 1Baseboard Management Controller (revision 0x1) Firmware Version: 2.4 0: Int: Internal-Data0/0 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 11 1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 5 2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 5 3: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/2 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 10 4: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/3 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 10 5: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/4 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 5 6: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/5 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 5 7: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/6 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 10 8: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/7 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 10 9: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/0 : address is 00e0.****.****, irq 1110: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/1 : address is 00e0.****.****, irq 511: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/2 : address is 00e0.****.****, irq 512: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/3 : address is 00e0.****.****, irq 1113: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/4 : address is 00e0.****.****, irq 1114: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/5 : address is 00e0.****.****, irq 515: Int: Internal-Data0/1 : address is 0000.0001.0002, irq 016: Int: Internal-Control0/0 : address is 0000.0001.0001, irq 017: Int: Internal-Data0/2 : address is 0000.0001.0003, irq 018: Ext: Management0/0 : address is 40ce.****.****, irq 019: Int: Internal-Data0/3 : address is 0000.0100.0001, irq 0Licensed features for this platform:Maximum Physical Interfaces : Unlimited perpetualMaximum VLANs : 500 perpetualInside Hosts : Unlimited perpetualFailover : Active/Active perpetualEncryption-DES : Enabled perpetualEncryption-3DES-AES : Enabled perpetualSecurity Contexts : 20 perpetualCarrier : Disabled perpetualAnyConnect Premium Peers : 2 perpetualAnyConnect Essentials : Disabled perpetualOther VPN Peers : 5000 perpetualTotal VPN Peers : 5000 perpetualAnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled perpetualAnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone : Disabled perpetualAdvanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled perpetualShared License : Disabled perpetualTotal TLS Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetualBotnet Traffic Filter : Disabled perpetualIPS Module : Disabled perpetualCluster : Enabled perpetualCluster Members : 2 perpetualThis platform has an ASA5555 VPN Premium license.Serial Number: FCH********Running Permanent Activation Key: 0x******** 0x******** 0x******** 0x******** 0x********Configuration register is 0x1Image type : ReleaseKey version : AConfiguration has not been modified since last system restart.ciscoasa#ciscoasa# show invName: "Chassis", DESCR: "ASA 5555-X with SW, 8 GE Data, 1 GE Mgmt"PID: ASA5555 , VID: V05 , SN: FTX********Name: "module 1", DESCR: "ASA 5545-X/5555-X Interface Card 6-port 10/100/1000, RJ-45"PID: ASA-IC-6GE-CU-C , VID: N/A , SN: N/AName: "power supply 0", DESCR: "ASA 5545-X/5555-X AC Power Supply"PID: ASA-PWR-AC , VID: N/A , SN: 74L27Lciscoasa#ciscoasa# show moduleMod Card Type Model Serial No.---- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------- 0 ASA 5555-X with SW, 8 GE Data, 1 GE Mgmt ASA5555 FCH******** ips Unknown N/A FCH********cxsc Unknown N/A FCH******** sfr Unknown N/A FCH********Mod MAC Address Range Hw Version Fw Version Sw Version---- --------------------------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- 0 40ce.****.**** to 40ce.****.**** 3.1 2.1(9)8 9.8(3)16 ips 40ce.****.**** to 40ce.****.**** N/A N/Acxsc 40ce.****.**** to 40ce.****.**** N/A N/A sfr 40ce.****.**** to 40ce.****.**** N/A N/AMod SSM Application Name Status SSM Application Version---- ------------------------------ ---------------- -------------------------- ips Unknown No Image Present Not Applicablecxsc Unknown No Image Present Not Applicable sfr Unknown No Image Present Not ApplicableMod Status Data Plane Status Compatibility---- ------------------ --------------------- ------------- 0 Up Sys Not Applicable ips Unresponsive Not Applicablecxsc Unresponsive Not Applicable sfr Unresponsive Not ApplicableMod License Name License Status Time Remaining---- -------------- --------------- --------------- ips IPS Module Disabled perpetualciscoasa#ciscoasa# show environmentCooling Fans:----------------------------------- Chassis Fans: -------------------------------- Cooling Fan 1: 4864 RPM - OK Cooling Fan 2: 4864 RPM - OK Cooling Fan 3: 4864 RPM - OK Power Supplies: -------------------------------- Left Slot (PS0): 8448 RPM - OK Right Slot (PS1): N/APower Supplies:----------------------------------- Left Slot (PS0): Present Right Slot (PS1): Not Present Power Input: -------------------------------- Left Slot (PS0): OK Right Slot (PS1): N/A Temperature: -------------------------------- Left Slot (PS0): 29 C - OK Right Slot (PS1): N/A Cooling Fans: -------------------------------- Left Slot (PS0): 8448 RPM - OK Right Slot (PS1): N/ATemperature:----------------------------------- Processors: -------------------------------- Processor 1: 66.0 C - OK Chassis: -------------------------------- Ambient 1: 36.0 C - OK (Chassis Back Temperature) Ambient 2: 28.0 C - OK (Chassis Front Temperature) Ambient 3: 42.0 C - OK (Chassis Back Left Temperature) Power Supplies: -------------------------------- Left Slot (PS0): 29 C - OK Right Slot (PS1): N/AVoltage:----------------------------------- Channel 1: 1.104 V - OK (CPU Core) Channel 2: 12.040 V - OK (12V) Channel 3: 5.068 V - OK (5V) Channel 4: 3.296 V - OK (3.3V) Channel 5: 1.504 V - OK (DDR3 1.5V) Channel 6: 1.048 V - OK (PCH 1.05V)ALARM CONTACT 1 Status: not asserted Description: external alarm contact 1 Severity: minor Trigger: closedALARM CONTACT 2 Status: not asserted Description: external alarm contact 2 Severity: minor Trigger: closedDriver Information:--------------------Status : RUNNINGDriver Error Statistics:-------------------------I2C I/O Errors : 0GPIO Errors : 0Ioctl Null Ptr Errors : 0Poll Errors : 0Invalid Ioctl Errors : 2PECI Errors : 0Unknown Errors : 0Last 5 Errors:---------------1.) Unable to find sensor with entity ID 10 and entity instance 108 Time: 06:02:53 UTC May 12 20232.) Unable to find sensor with entity ID 10 and entity instance 128 Time: 06:03:23 UTC May 12 20233.) Unable to find sensor with entity ID 10 and entity instance 132 Time: 06:03:23 UTC May 12 20234.) Unable to find sensor with entity ID 10 and entity instance 108 Time: 06:03:23 UTC May 12 20235.) Unable to find sensor with entity ID 10 and entity instance 132 Time: 06:02:53 UTC May 12 2023ご検討よろしくお願い致します。当方の所在は東京都千代田区です。※バージョンなどは下記のログをご参照下さい。<発送および送料>本州、四国、九州 1,北海道 2,沖縄、離島 12,佐川急便にて丁寧に梱包して発送致します。簡易クリーニングでの出荷となります。初期化して発送します。直接のお引取りに来られても対応可能です。その場合は交換(交換機種がない場合は本体価格の返金)に応じます。梱包の際はダンボール、緩衝材等はリサイクル品を使用する場合がございます。<保証>商品到着後7日間、電源がはいらない場合のみ。下記はコンソールでの取得情報です。以下御確認のうえご検討下さい。そのほかノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願い致します。※発送、引取の対応は平日のみとなります。Cisco ASA5555-Xです。<付属>ございません。ご参照下さい。ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 ※詳細スペックはメーカーホームページをご確認下さい。落としきれない汚れや見落としなどは御容赦下さい。<状態>中古品のため、多少のキズや汚れ、シール跡などがございます