Oven and microwave features all work great, however I bought a bigger oven and no longer need this. The outside is in excellent condition with few marks. The inside has some marks from baking bread and oil stains. Purchased in 2020, here is the Amazon link: Toshiba ER-SD70(W) Steam Oven Range, Stone Kiln Dome, 6.6 gal (26 L), Grand White, Flatbed https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B07F62MS5F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 TOSHIBA ER-SD70(W) color: WHITE スチーム種類: スチーム センサー種類: 赤外線センサー ドアタイプ: たて開き フラットタイプ有 庫内タイプ: フラット 調理方式: 1段 #東芝 #TOSHIBA