big boyのpurpleです激レアで数が少ない種類で、purpleblackみたいに被らないし、差をつけれます。新品同様の状態で、かっこいいです結構前に、公式で買ったので正規品で間違いないですfucking awesomesupreme palace hockey hellrazor hotel blue gx1000 polar bronze 56k quarter snacks lotties vans 90s old sk8 old skate cons ec melodi iggy frog sci-fi fantasy baker anti hero peels poetic collective carpet company rassvet peels fucking awesome homies network punk and yoAlltimers Bronze56K Call Me 917 Diaspora Dime mtl FuckingAwesome GX1000 Hotel Blue POLAR SKATE YardSale supreme ftc NOAHリーバイス Butter goods Buttergoods バターグッズ supreme シュプリーム ftcヘルレイザー 坩堝 fucking awesome hockey NOAH homies networkpalaceiggy yardsaledimehockeyquartersnacksseanpabroplayboyリングWasted YouthGirls Dont CryGDCKyne wind and sea soph verdyGirls Dont Cry creative drug store palace wtaps neighborhood decsendant tight booth ssz ah 長谷川昭雄 carhartt bott ten box old ftc noah barbour oamc a.p.c c.e cavempt porter stone island nanamica daiwa pier comme APE palace.