国際文化栄誉賞元皇族 殿下の伏見博明総裁でおられる「日本文化振興会」より民間人の中でも地域社会のために活動している人、人々の幸福の為に尽力している人、良いものを普及させるべく努力している人に対して、日本文化振興会が毎年前期・後期に分けて各1名にしか贈られない、歴史と名誉のある賞です。The International Cultural Merit Award, bestowed by the Japan Cultural Promotion Association under the presidency of His Excellency Prince Hiroaki of the former imperial family, is a prestigious honor with a rich history. It is awarded annually, divided into two periods, and is only presented to one individual each time. Recipients are selected from among the general public who are actively involved in activities for their local communities, strive for the happiness of people, and make efforts to promote positive cultural influences.#国際文化栄誉賞#メダル